This app requires the following mandatory information:
Location data (manual or automatic) and App Instance ID for core warning functionality Data controller is Michael Diener - Software; data is pseudonymized, stored in the EU, automatically deleted 180 days after last use
Cookies and similar for storing settings All settings for the app will be saved in the browser.
Cookies & Advertising ID for showing advertisement Data controller is Google; More Info & Settings
Stay updated with alert notifications In order to receive push notifications for rain alarms, please grant permission for showing notifications. We never send spam or unrelated content.
We try to be as transparent as possible about data use. If you have any questions about your rights, you can contact us via the help menu or at You can change your privacy settings in the help menu.
This weather app alerts you when rain is approaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast based on near real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable than a traditional forecast.
This weather app alerts you when rain is approaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast based on near real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable than a traditional forecast.
The data used originates from governmental weather services. Works in the USA (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam), Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Argentina, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, India, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Spain (including the Balearic and the Canary Islands), Slovenia, Croatia, Belarus, Ukraine.
Follow us for the latest news, ask questions, tell your opinion or report issues:
A gray overlay indicates that there is no radar coverage. Light gray means temporarily no coverage and dark gray means permanently no coverage.
Example: ≈15mi (intensity 1/10, area 5/10)
Displays how close precipitation currently is. Additionally, intensity and area are indicated as a value out of 10. For the intensity 10 indicates the highest measurable precipitation strength and for the area the full circle coverage defined by the radius.
Privacy Policy
3rd Party Libraries
The application uses the following libraries and is required to mention them:
Leaflet (License),
Dragdealer (License),
jsTimezoneDetect (License),
IndexedDB with usability (License),
crypto-js (License),
Animated progress icon by Icons8
Noti Legali
Michael Diener - Software
Gampenstr. 92 A / Via delle Palade 92 A
39012 Meran / Merano (BZ), Italia
mdiener [at]
+39 376 125 9934 (user support only via email / Nutzerhilfe nur per E-Mail)
Numero REA: BZ-245302
Codice fiscale e n.iscr. al Registro Imprese: DNRMHL79C25Z112P
Partita IVA: 03260540210
Impresa individuale
In order to receive push notifications for rain alarms, please grant permission for showing notifications. We never send spam or unrelated content.
Time frame
Defines how easy an alarm can be triggered. The lower the sensitivity the harder an alarm can be triggered.
Search radius
Defines in which distance around the current location we should search for precipitation. The larger the radius the earlier precipitation can be found and you'll be warned.
Reset to defaults
A new location will be acquired by the method selected.
Your current location will be removed from map and cache.
Time format
Animation rate
Animation interval
Radius visible
Reset to defaults
You can find more settings directly at your Rain Alarm extension.Extension settings
This weather app alerts you when rain is approaching. The alerts are a reliable short-term forecast based on near real-time data. This app is more precise and reliable than a traditional forecast.
Mobile Apps
Progressive Web App
A PWA, or Progressive Web Application, is a special type of website that can be installed on your device, functioning like an app. It also offers features such as push notifications.
iOS Installation (≥ iOS 16.4)
Open our URL.
Tap the "Share" icon.
Choose "Add to Home Screen" from the popup menu.
Press "Add" in the top right corner to complete the PWA installation.
Desktop Installation
Open our URL.
At the top right of the address bar, click the install or download icon.
Follow the onscreen instructions to install the PWA.
Remove ads (monthly)
Remove ads (yearly)
Restore my purchase
Business use
My subscription
Manual location
Enter a place, location or address.
For this app to work a location is needed. This location can be cached anonymously on our server side and is NOT disclosed to any 3rd party. You are also able to set it later in the settings.